Truth And Dare
We There was a time when my friends and I was playing ‘truth-or-dare’ and after several rounds, it was finally my turn. I chose “Truth” since most of my friends had chosen ‘Dare’ before. However, who knew that they were going to ask about something that really means a lot to me. “What’s so special about her?” they asked. Suddenly, all the memories starting flashing in my mind, it was everything I went through with her in these days. And I answered.
“Maybe because after a lot of time and effort I have found the only person which doesn’t just make me happy but my soul giggle with love, she brings out the best in me, the genuine me. For many people, I tend to pretend the way I am but I could be real in front of her. All the fights, argument, 2 am conversations are worth that smile of hers. The way her eyes shine a little brighter and the curve of her smile broadens is enough for me to keep her happy no matter what happens. She is my guiding light, my love, my soul connection, my partner in crime, even if I wanted to I would never trade her for another person, she is it for me, actually the end game.”
Text Bid Jayanta Kumar
Edited Lai Yen Xing, Reshma Durai