Sense of Humor As the Art of Living
Yes, seriously. Have you ever thought that humor is actually an important tool for creativity? Humor can cheer you, your friends and even strangers. Humor can unite people but it can ruin connections among them at the same time. It is really difficult to make jokes which raise spirits, it requires skill.
One of my examples to be followed is a psychotherapist Victor Frankl, who repeatedly mentioned in his works (“Nevertheless Say ‘Yes’ to Life: A Psychologist Experiences the Concentration Camp”, and many more) that sense of humor helps us to live. Thanks to it he managed to survive in a death camp, so I think we can trust him.
In other words, humor helps us in difficult situations, it doesn’t disappoint us, but we get experience from it. Sense of humor makes you look on the bright side of life and forget about any problems. People with mental disorder sometimes have wrong sense of humor. To be accurate, they don’t have it all.
The benefits of humor are as such:
1. It distances people from problems;
2. A person doesn’t blame oneself for a bad deed, he or she thinks that the actions were bad. (There is a big difference between “I’m bad” and “my deeds are bad, but I’m good and I can get better”);
3. Humor gives us an opportunity to relax and it gets rid of negative emotions;
4. Laughing at the problem makes it less important, it can raise your spirit and inspire you;
5. Humor lets you feel like you can solve the problem easily, broaden your mind;
6. Humor establishes the emotional contacts with new people, it makes friendship stronger and creates some things which only your close friends and relatives can understand;
7. Humor represents creativity as “I” and I would like to quote Victor Frankl’s words «art of living»;
8. Humor provides close and sincere contacts. Thanks to creativity you can deepen your understanding of each other’s views;
9. Humor lets you feel that life is such a meaningful subject to talk seriously about.
Women appreciate man’s sense of humor equally with manhood; men appreciate sense of humor in friends and women too (see!). It is unimaginable to live a dull life, people’s lives should be colorful and exciting to be honest.
Strength allows us to survive physically while humor allows us to survive mentally. Not only does it let us survive but it also helps us live a better life! Humor needs some skills for using like any other tool. You can slice bread into pieces by knife, but also you can kill a living being by it. Humor is actually the same — you can save or humiliate people by it. It is a matter application and therefore it should be used wisely.
Let your humor improve your life and others’ too. Allow it to inspire and broaden new horizons.
text Ilya Blagov
translation in english by Nikita Zasseev
edited in english by Afiq Makkana