Logica mulieris — About the Inside Sophistic
“It is difficult to write about something that doesn’t exist.” I have heard this many time, when I talked with friends about the female logic. But soon after, they give the excuse: “it’s a joke, don’t worry”. Now remember the phrase: “Every joke has a piece of truth.” Some people really think that there is no female logic and even if they do believe, they think about the ‘irrational side.’
To make things clear we talk about the definition of “logic.” The word comes from the ancient Greek word λόγος — the mind. In a sense it is the science of right thinking. It’s an interesting question of how people decided to separate logics by gender, but there is a reason behind…. probably.
One of the principal differences between men and women is — emotionality. Mood changing, impressionability makes a sign on the process of thinking. Moreover, it is the tool to achieve a goal. An edgy girl after a fight with someone can be cranky and cry to prove that it is not her fault but the world is against her.
There is no sign that she is to be really offended. Maybe she needs the attention, and this eccentric behavior, holding grudge over small things, for example, a young man bought chocolate with raisin instead hazelnut — it is a way to get attention. If we try to understand the situation, we will have to look at the logical aspects, because the goal was achieved, even though it was through wrong logical arguments and by manipulation of others.
Besides of emotionality we need talk about the inductive thinking that is part of the female being. Maybe we have a genetic tendency to build many causalities, trying to find answers for necessary life questions, taking into account of some signs and symbols.
Do you remember situations, when HE DOESN’T CALL in one-two days? It seems that his feeling got cold and at the last meeting he looked at you but as much as you wanted. Of course, he doesn’t miss you (if he does — he could find a time to call). The relationship is breaking up but he sits somewhere with friends and orders a pizza without you. You can’t call first (last time, you called first) and with that the self-evaluation of the guy grows. You start to complain to your mom, female friends but in your mind, there is so much questions- why and how.
But tomorrow, you find out that your boyfriend, for example, worked overtime and by the time he wanted to call you, it was too late. You can be happy with your life again and forgetting all the grudges. As a whole, arguments had a sense, just the lack of enough information and rational mind affected on the common picture of situation. It’s hard to call such a behavior as logic, however it would be reasonable to call it the female logic.
Not only women can be emotional, and not every guy is a master of deductive or inductive minds. All these differences of man and woman logics are so conventional, if you ask hundreds of people “do they understand women logic?” you can hear many different answers. So, everyone should decide by oneself what is the mystery female logic — irrational thinking, or good thoughtful strategy?
P.S. In the classes of philosophy and logics, we talk about the ways of reasons, that were mentioned in this article. Let recall that:
Deduction — We hold a theory and based on it we make a prediction of its consequences. That is, we predict what the observations should be if the theory were correct. We go from the general — the theory — to the specific — the observations;
Induction — We go from the specific to the general. We make many observations, discern a pattern, make a generalization, and infer an explanation or a theory.
text Maria Fedotova
edition in english by Nurain Ashyqin, Reshma Durai