Before we had grades…
More than two years had passed since the first edition of the point-rating system (PRS), which had changed many a students’ view of education. Now, we are currently studying with the 4th edition of the point-rating system.
Let us try to compare the main positions of the current system and the system that first appeared on the sunrise of this point paradigm.
Finally, students can take a breath. These days, you may receive permission to attend a major when you have at least 75% of presence in classes according to the lesson module. In other words, students do not need to rework all their absences, but only up to that percent that can allow him to pass a major. Plus, in the first edition of PRS, sanctions for absence were not forfeited. It is obvious that the first edition of PRS had greatly contributed to the foundation of our lovely system with “automat.” The next development of PRS, however, moved towards tightening the regalement. The relation between points and grades for an exam are as follows:
First edition of PRS:
- Excellent “5” — 85–100 points;
- Good “4” — 76–84 points;
- Satisfactory “3” — 55–75 points;
- Not satisfactory “2” — 0–54 points.
Fourth edition of PRS:
- Excellent “5” — 85–100 points;
- Good “4” — 71–84 points;
- Satisfactory “3” — 55–70 points;
- Not satisfactory “2” — 0–54 points.
Based on the above information, it is clear that using our current PRS, it is easier to get a “Good” grade, in comparison to the first edition because the threshold has been decreased noticeably. However, in the current PRS, it is written that if you wish to get a “Satisfactory” grade during intermediate certification (majors) in the exam, the student must get no less than 32 points. In the previous PRS, this was not the case.
Let’s see what student can do to get points, by observing the rating of types of student activity during their discipline study, besides making “History case” or another formal document” in the first and fourth editions:
The privileges of the first PRS edition were cancelled when they made it compulsory for students to have at least 75% of presence in classes. The remaining 25% had to be justified by respectful reasons, for example, if the student was sick with medical proof from the hospital. Furthermore, forfeits for absences of students in lectures were tightened in such a way that every absence decreases points in the student’s rating. The fourth edition had made sure that there is no way for students to avoid an intermediate certification or major. Besides, one concern is that points for creative activity in the current edition had been reduced. However, this new position is understandable because it was made in order to discipline students and motivate them to take their education more seriously. Students should participate actively in the development of PRS through the student’s unity of education quality.
1st edition of PRS:
The maximum quantity of points in discipline is 100
- The process of discipline studying – 60
1.1. The rating of practical classes – 15 (point average, multiplied on 3)
1.2. The rating of majors – 35 points (point average of majors, multiplied on 7), 30 if the student has History case (then point average of majors, multiplied on 6) and about 5 points for History case
1.3. Practical skills – 5
1.4. Independent work, including creative activity (participate in Science-researching work, conferences, methodical and other kinds of works, according to Position about out-class (independent) work of students) – 5
2. Maximum quantity of points for intermediate certification (majors) – 40.
Fourth edition of PRS:
The maximum quantity of points in discipline is 100
- The process of discipline studying – 40
1.1. The rating of practical classes – 15 (point average, multiplied on 3)
1.2.The rating of majors – 20 points (point average of majors, multiplied on 7), 15 if the student has History case (then point average of majors, multiplied on 3) and about 5 points for History case
1.3. Practical skills – 5 2. Maximum quantity of points for intermediate certification (majors) – 60
Bitter or sweet? History does not give us a clear response about the changes made in the development of the PRS. Regardless whether they are students who have “automats” or students who lack knowledge about past editions of PRS, every student studies as an equal. The evolution of any system serves only to make it better. Why do students come to university? For knowledge and experience, of course. This is true for all students. A student’s chase after ratings is very important and is all part of the package of the university experience. Despite the significance of exam grades, we wish to remind all of you, however, that the knowledge is all kept in your minds, and not in your credit books or rework’s journals. The knowledge that you gain in your years in university will become the weapon you use to save human lives in the future. We trust that every student understands the responsibility and the role he/she will play in their future patients’ lives. This must serve as an important stimulus in the student’s permanent aspirant to knowledge.
text Filipp Novikov
edition in english by Reshma Durai, Law Yi Wan